Tuesday, October 4, 2011


In Germany there are a series of four "ferien's" or breaks. Right now is fall Ferien aka fall break which last about two weeks long. On the first Monday of Ferien it is also Tag der Deutschen Einheit its kinda like Germany's independece day. Overall no one has to work on this day My host family and I took the day and went to Luxemburg a small country about 6 miles away from where we live. It is so small there army consists of 200 people an the palace is garded by one person. This is a picture of the changing of the gaurd.
What is a better thing to do then eat cake and drink hot choclate milk? nothing. The Choclate House faces the palace of the king of Luxemburg.

I have no idea what this is. There are odd sculptures like this everywhere.
Meine familie ( Marion, Alisha, Joshua, Me) Not pictured Joanna, Rudi and Oma because she was taking the picture!

So a normal night for us consist of the same routine at 7:30 Greys Antomey comes on. We all gather in our respective spots and watch it together. I have no idea that is going on unless they have cancer. Then we slowly take turns going into the kitchen for food. Joann wasn#t to happy when i took this picture but I had to capture the moment.

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