Saturday, April 21, 2012

they'll never take me out alive...

so the other day I had a brilliant idea for a blog post naturally I forgot my idea so I am just going to write this instead!
Right now the Heligen Rock is on display in the Dom (a.k.a the Holy Skirt of Jesus) so there are loads of tourist walking around the city. I can't go 5 feet without hearing someone talking in English. At first it was really weird because I automaticly understand and then its like wait a minute thats not German. Now I am used to it because it seems like everywhere I go lately I seem to hear english whether thats good or bad I am not sure. Its probably good because I was starting to completly forget my first language as for the bad side I am returning to making stupid mistakes in German.
Stupid German. its so complicted.
I recived my flight info and I know thats old new for some of you but for me its still news and it will remain news untill I am actually sitting in a plane going home. I already have my seat next to ellie reserved! For anyone whos lost count I am currently at roughly 7 and 1/2 months. Still going strong!

Köln Dom: I'm so littke compared to it!
Visiting Arianna's Family(ps there good and your beds comfy!)
Exchange Students we should come with a manuel!